Thank You to Our Partners and Supporters
Acknowledgements and Endorsements
In the process of ensuring the accuracy of the information contained in this proposal, a number of knowledgeable and professional individuals were asked to provide statistics and historical information.
Our sincere and heartfelt gratitude goes out to the following individuals for their input, expertise, valued support and personal encouragement:
- Major-General (Ret’d) Lewis Wharton MacKenzie, C.M., O.Ont., M.S.C. and Bar, C.D.
- Colonel (Ret’d) Alain Pellerin, O.M.M., C.D.
- Dr. J.L. Granatstein, O.C., F.R.S.C., Former Director & CEO of the Canadian War Museum and Professor Emeritus of History, York University
- Major (Ret’d) Bradley N. Hall C.D., Former Secretary-General, Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- Dr. Steve Harris C.D., Acting Director and Chief Historian, Department of National Defence
- General (Ret’d) Paul D. Manson, O.C., C.M.M., C.D.
- Major (Ret’d) Gerald S. Wharton, M.V.O., C.D.
- Professor David J. Bercuson, O.C., F.R.S.C., Director of Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary
- Brigadier-General (Ret’d) John C. Hayter, C.D.
- Brigadier General (Ret’d) Greg Young, O.M.M., M.S.M., C.D. Chairman, 15th Battalion CEF Memorial Project
Thank You
We must say a huge ‘Thank You’ to the suppliers, contractors, contributors, and partners who have provided us with their expertise, time and support in making the Never Forgotten National Memorial Foundation a reality:
- Aeon Virtual Inc.
- Bereskin & Parr LLP
- Blumberg Segal LLP
- Hawk Communications Inc.
- Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt LLP
- Rayment & Collins
- Stantec Inc.
- Weinberg & Gaspirc
Letters of Support
We would like to acknowledge the following individuals, associations and government departments for their words of endorsement and support. Please click on "VIEW LETTER" to read them.
- 2012, Minister of the Environment to the Minister of Veterans Affairs VIEW LETTER
- September 2012, Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League VIEW LETTER
- November 2012, The Royal Canadian Legion VIEW LETTER
- February 2013, Chief of the Defence Staff VIEW LETTER
- June 2013, Gen. (Ret'd) Paul D. Manson VIEW LETTER
- July 2013, Minister of National Defence VIEW LETTER
- July 2013, Minister of the Environment VIEW LETTER
- October 2013, Parks Canada VIEW LETTER
- November 2013, Parks Canada VIEW LETTER
- February 2014, Colonel Carignan VIEW LETTER
- February 2014, Municipality of the County of Victoria VIEW LETTER
- June 2014, The Hon. R. Roy McMurtry VIEW LETTER
- May 2015, The Hon. R. Roy McMurtry VIEW LETTER
- June 2015, Regimental Council The Queen's York Rangers VIEW LETTER